A simple and effective method for cleaning your ring (engagement ring, wedding ring, etc.) at home involves soaking it in hot water. Fill a glass with hot water from your sink and put your ring in it. The water can be as hot as you can tolerate it. Don't boil the water. You can leave it for a few minutes, a few hours or even overnight. Diamonds love hot water. This approach helps to loosen accumulated dirt and oil from the surface. Use this method for diamonds, Sapphires, Rubies and non porous gems. If you have an Emerald, it's best to have it cleaned professionally at a jewelry store. Note: put the glass in your bedroom, on your night stand. Caution: Never leave jewelry near a sink! If you have pets such as cats, hide the glass of water containing your ring. Cats love jewelry!
Best way to keep the diamond/stone clean is to hold the ring from the sides when wearing it and taking it off. Here's how: "Best Way To Wear And Take Off Your Rings!"