Nina Engagement Ring Side View
I love Nina's engagement ring, I call it the
engagement ring for the modern bride! It's strong yet refined, graceful and defined! Well suited for it's owner, Nina and every modern bride! Here's how Nina's engagement ring was made. A few months ago, ( yes, this ring took me some time to make, lol ) Aaron and Nina came for a custom made engagement ring. Nina knew that she wanted an emerald cut, deep color sapphire in the center with split shank and diamonds.
As I do for all of my customers, I traced Nina's hand on paper and drew a basic idea of what she likes in a scale that would look appropriate for her hand. The next step was to look for the center sapphire. I found two sapphires that were appropriate in size and color, one was translucent and other one that Nina chose was more milky with natural silk lines in it. I wanted to add an element of refinement and character that would complement nina's strong yet refined style, so I suggested a half circle on either side of the sapphire - name it the Modern Halo!
Nina loved the idea, so I started making the ring, which needless to say it took me some time to finish! Each time that I thought I was done, I would come up with an idea to make it better, so I would do it over. Finally the day came and I was done with perfecting it. Once I got it casted in white gold, I had Nina try it, for fit. Here are some pictures of the ring while I was working on the white gold:

Nina's engagement ring before soldering the sides

Nina's Engagemnt ring with one side soldered
This is the not-so-clean and not-so-glamorous stage and the next picture is the finished ring, all glamorous and I'm showing it off on my clean hands!

Nina's ring all finished!
And here's a close-up side view:

Close-up side view of Nina's Engaement Ring
I used different diamond setting techniques. The diamonds on the split shank are held with prongs in a u-style setting and the diamonds on the half-moons are bead-set with one baguette on each half-moon that is bezel-set.
Nina, I love your ring and I love you both! you are both a joy to work with. I love your attention to detail. You decided to take the time and go through the journey and experience of having the perfect ring custom made for you the way you took the time to know each other. Thank you for giving me the opportunity, it was an absolute joy to make your dream ring!
Best wishes!